Scientists have created the very first antibacterial gel that acts to kill the most resistant hospital superbugs.
Researchers at Queen's University Belfast have made a breakthrough by developing the innovative gel that slays Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and E. coli using natural proteins.
The gels have the ability to break down the thick jelly-like coating, known as biofilms, which cover bacteria making them highly resistant to current therapies, while leaving healthy cells unaffected.
Lead researcher Dr Garry Laverty said that the gels were unique as they targeted and killed the most resistant forms of hospital superbugs. It involved the use of gels composed of the building blocks of natural proteins, called peptides. The same ingredients that forms human tissue. The molecules were modified slightly in the laboratory to allow them to form gels that would rapidly kill bacteria.
The research is due to be published in the journal Biomacromolecules.