Union home secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla has written a letter to all chief secretaries asking them to strictly follow the guidelines issued by Ministry of Home Affairs concerning the 21-day lockdown. All states and UTs have been asked to send daily reports to MHA.
Bhalla in his letter also talked about the letter of Cabinet Secretary issued on on March 22 and 23.
The Cabinet Secretary, vide his DO letter dated 22 and 23 March 2020, has emphasised the urgent need to take stringent action to contain the spread of COVID-19.
"In line with this, several State/UT Governments have issued complete/partial lockdown orders," Bhalla said.
"While steps taken by State/UT Governments are in the right direction, lack of uniformity in the measures adopted as well as in their implementation, may not serve the objective of containing the spread of the virus. Considering the situation, The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued an order directing the ministries/departments to take lockdown measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the country," Bhalla said.
He also said that the order of lockdown shall remain in force in all parts of the country, for a period of 21 days with effect from March 25.
Bhalla has also said daily reports should be sent on action taken on the implementation of the measures, which will be monitored by MHA.
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