Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria on Friday confirmed the involvement of Sanjeev Mukerjea's in the Sheena Bora murder case after the joint interrogation of the key accused.
"We have just interrogated the third accused (Sanjeev Mukerjea) and he has confessed his complicity to the crime," Maria said to the media outside Khar Police station.
"This morning we have recovered the skeletal remains of the deceased Sheena Bora, we have also recovered the passport of Sheena Bora from Dehradun today," he added.
Commissioner Maria also negated the theory that Sheena Bora went to United States.
Maria further said that, police teams have gone to other parts of the country for investigation and they have got the remand of the third accused up to August 31 and further investigations are on.
"Tomorrow the skeletal remains will be sent for the DNA analysis," he added.