The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday accepted that it had failed to gauge the pulse of the people and vowed to extend all cooperation to the Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi.
The office bearers and district presidents of the Delhi BJP held a review meeting here today to discuss the future course of action in wake of the debacle in the assembly elections.
"Today, we held a meeting of regional office bearers and district presidents after the results of Delhi Assembly elections. The discussions held during the meeting were regarding the results of the assembly polls, which were shocking. We discussed how to take the organization forward in the future," Delhi BJP president Satish Upadhyay said.
"We have asked them [party workers] to go to the grassroots level and find out the reasons for such a poor performance. We will take the inputs from all the assembly constituencies. We have failed to gauge the pulse of people of Delhi, we will keep that in mind and extend positive cooperation to the new government," he added.
The BJP won only three seats, while the AAP won 67 seats in the 70-member Delhi Assembly.