Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Rupa Ganguly on Monday reprimanded the police for failing to conduct alcohol test on actor Vikram Chatterjee, who was driving the car that crashed and killed actress Sonika Chauhan.
"It was in the TV that we have seen that he was drinking all along in the night. Somebody of that age partying till 3 o clock, why police did not even take the alcohol test? Where was the lapse. Did the police forget? These are the questions that are being raised when influential persons stand beside Vikram," Ganguly told ANI.
Chatterjee was found inebriated while driving a car that led to the death of Kolkata-based actor Sonika Singh Chauhan.
Chatterjee was booked by the police under Sections 304A (causing death due to negligence) and 279 (rash or negligent driving) of the Indian Penal Code.
Chatterjee said he was deeply sorry for Sonika's family's loss, adding that he was not driving in an inebriated state.
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