South Korean robotics team emerged as winners at the recently held Darpa Robotics Challenge in Pomona, CA.
The competition involves a battle of robots on an obstacle course meant to simulate conditions similar to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, where team Kaist's DRC-Hubo humanoid robot completed the course in 44 minutes and 28 seconds, reported the BBC.
The tasks included driving a car and walking up steps, and the machine claimed victory over 22 others and earned the top prize of 2 million dollars from the US Department of Defense's Darpa research unit.
The also included two mystery tasks over two days, where on day one the mystery was pulling a lever and on day two it was pulling a plug out of one socket and inserting it into another.
It was the first challenge where robots performed without being tethered, and hence faced plenty of hard falls.
The second prize was won by Team IHMC Robotics, who got 1 million dollars reward, while Tartan Rescue's Chimp robot was third, winning 500,000 dollars.