After Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone called Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol's chemistry beyond palangtod, SRK sent out a sweet message to the duo.
During the promotion of 'Tamasha,' when Ranbir and Deepika were asked to comment on their comparison with the 'DDLJ' couple, the 33-year-old actor said, "We are surely waiting for Dilwale. Their chemistry is beyond palangtod."
Replying to his comment, the 50-year-old actor said in a statement, "Ranbir and Deepika are amazing. It is too sweet of them to say that about my chemistry with Kajol. We don't know whether it is palangtod, ghar tod aur khidki tod! I don't know how is their chemistry. Whether they break palang or no, I don't know!"
While Ranbir-Deepika's 'Tamasha' is all set to release on November 27th, SRK-Kajol's Dilwale is set to release on December 18th.