Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer has made the biggest weekend opening ever with Rs. 108.86 crores (17.8 million dollars), beating the high bear set by Aamir Khan's 'Dhoom 3,' which had earned Rs. 107.61 crores (17.6 million dollars) in India.
Globally, the Red Chillies Entertainment production, which was helmed by Farah Khan, has taken$1.41 million dollars so far, which only covers the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia, and doesn't represent all screens, reported.
The film, which was also released in North America, the UAE, the Netherlands, Kuwait and Pakistan, is yet to break the 3.43 million dollars opening record by 'Dhoom 3,' and to make it in the Top Ten, would have to beat Dracula Untold's three-day estimate of 4.29 million dollars.
The action comedy centers on group of six people, who plan to pull off a diamond heist, by fake participating in a dance competition.