Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay on Monday demanded that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should apologise for his 'thulla' remark and said that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo must stop using obscene language for political gains.
Upadhyay, who was reacting to the meeting between Kejriwal and Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi, said the kind of atmosphere being created in Delhi by the Chief Minister against the police personnel is inspired by politics.
"Obscene language is being used to make political gains. To ridicule someone's job by using terms like 'thulla' is hurting someone's sentiments. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should apologise," he told ANI here.
Upadhyay backed the men in uniform and said that the Delhi Police conducted an immediate investigation into the gruesome murder of a 19-year-old girl at Anand Parbat.
"Yesterday I met the family of the victim. and they said that back in 2013 when a case of eve teasing had taken place, the police had investigated the matter and the accused was arrested. From then till now, the family has had no grudges because the boys used to stay in the neighbourhood and no one had the slightest suspicion that they would commit such an act," Upadhyay said.
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"You could have protested against the police had it not filed an FIR or not conducted an investigation but the police arrested them under Section 302 of murder. In fact, yesterday I told the Delhi Police that in dense areas like that you should have a pro-active approach towards work," he added.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had yesterday announced a compensation of Rs. five lakh to the family of the girl, who was stabbed to death in Anand Parbat locality.
Kejriwal, who ordered a magisterial probe into the case, criticized the Delhi Police for the 'deteriorating' law and order situation.
In a meeting today with state Police Commissioner B. S. Bassi, Kejriwal asked for a list of complaints registered regarding crimes against women and actions being taken by him.
The meeting came in the wake of a 19-year-old girl who was allegedly stabbed to death on July 16 by two brothers living in her neighbourhood for protesting to their verbal abuse.