West Bengal BJP vice-president Chandra Kumar Bose said that he has suggested to the party leadership that with a little modification to the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, the entire opposition campaign will fizzle out.
"Once a Bill has been passed as an Act, it is binding on the state governments, that is the legal position but in a democratic country you cannot thrust any Act on the citizens of our country," Bose told ANI.
"I have suggested to my party leadership that with a little modification the entire opposition campaign will fizzle out. We need to specifically state that it is meant for persecuted minorities, we should not mention any religion. Our approach should be different," he added.
Bose stated that "our job is to explain to people that we are right and they are wrong."
"You cannot be abusive. Just because we have numbers today we cannot do terror politics. Let us go to people explaining the benefits of CAA," he said.
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