Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi on Friday rubbished reports suggesting that they have approached the Pakistan High Commission regarding the questioning of journalist Mehr Tarar in connection with the Sunanda Pushkar death probe.
"We haven't established any contact with the Pakistan High Commission regarding the questioning of Mehr Tarar, these reports are untrue," Bassi said.
"She [Mehr Tarar] will be called for examination when necessary," he added.
Sunanda was found dead in the five-star Leela Hotel in Delhi on January 17, 2014.
She was married to Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for a little less than four years. It was the third marriage for both.
Before her death, Sunanda had publicly accused Tharoor of having an affair with Tarar.
Sunanda's death was initially debated as a possible suicide for months, but a murder theory began to be considered seriously after doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) maintained that her demise was unnatural.