Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on Sunday launched 'Fast Wifi For All'service at the Bhubaneswar railway station.
The Bhubaneswar station is the second to be covered under the free Wi-Fi project after Mumbai Central in January this year.
Google and RailTel, under the Digital India initiative, have collaborated to make Wi-Fi network available across 100 stations to deliver high-speed Internet to 10 million Indians a day by the end of this year.
The Railway Minister, who is on a two-day visit to the state, had yesterday told media that Odisha will figure as one of the most developed state in the country in next three-four years and the railways would contribute a lot towards this.
He said there are plans to set up two rail projects in Odisha, one of which is at Narla in Kalahandi district.
Prabhu also said that a joint venture company would be formed to maintain coordination between the Centre and the State for speeding up various ongoing railway projects in Odisha.