The Delhi High Court on Wednesday deferred the hearing on Indian wrestler Sushil Kumar's appeal of holding trials against compatriot Narsingh Yadav for 74kg 2016 Rio Olympics berth to June 2.
Earlier on May 30, the court had postponed the hearing till today.
While Narsingh had insisted that going to the Brazilian capital is his right as he secured the quota in the 74-kg category with a bronze medal finish in last year's World Championships, Sushil, who won gold in the same category at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, called for trials to be conducted to determine who should go to Rio.
The High Court had earlier on May 17 refused to intervene in the matter and asked the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) to meet Sushil and sort out the issue.
Sushil had also appealed to the Sports Ministry, Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and WFI to give him a chance for the Rio Games, as quota according to the rules belongs to the country and not to a particular wrestler.
Narsingh has been staking his claim to represent India at the Olympics since last year when he secured a quota place at the World Championship in Las Vegas after winning a bronze in 74kg.
Sushil, who missed the event due to a shoulder injury, has been demanding a trial.