Sushma Singh, will become the next Chief Information Commissioner (CIC). She will succeed Deepak Sandhu who will complete her term on December 18.
Singh, who is the senior most Information Commissioner, will be the second woman to become Chief Information Commissioner after Sandhu.
The decision to appoint Singh, a former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer, was taken unanimously by a panel comprising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj and Law Minister Kapil Sibal.
Sushma Singh joined the Central Information Commission as Information Commissioner on September 23, 2009.
She is a former Secretary to the Government of India who belongs to the Jharkhand Cadre. She was an IAS officer of the 1972 batch.
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She was Secretary, Information and Broadcasting, Panchayati Raj and in the Ministry for the Development of the North Eastern Region (DONER).
Her other assignments in the government have been in the Ministry of Water Resources in the capacity of Additional Secretary and in the Ministry of Rural Development as Joint Secretary.
She also served as Jharkhand's first Home Secretary and later as Development Commissioner.