Social activist Swami Agnivesh on Friday appealed to Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot to immediately arrest self-styled godman Asaram Bapu, who has been booked on charges of forcing a 16-year-old girl into unnatural sex at a Jodhpur ashram a week ago.
"Of all the allegations made on Asaram Bapu, I feel this is the most serious and closest to the truth. The way he raped a minor girl studying in his gurukul and is trying to hide it, I spoke to Ashok Gehlot and he has said that he will definitely ensure that the law is put into place. I appeal that Ashok Gehlot's Government should arrest him immediately," he said.
"And people like these who are portraying themselves as spiritual leader and taking advantage of people's religious sentiments should be dealt severely," he added.
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot yesterday said the rape charge against self-styled godman Asaram Bapu was being investigated by Jodhpur Police Commissioner, and added that appropriate action would be taken on the basis of 'truth and facts'.
"I have spoken to Jodhpur Police Commissioner last night and told him to investigate the case at every level, and ensure action based on truth and facts," Gehlot said.
"Jodhpur Police Commissioner and Superintendent of Police are tackling the case...let the process of probe be completed," he added.
Gehlot asked the saints preaching religion or spirituality to maintain their best character and work in their limit as any bad message hurts and shocks their followers.