Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav who is here in the national capital to convince Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Mulayam Singh Yadav to rejoin the Janata Parivar, said on Friday that the talks are still going on and called Mulayam as their 'guardian'.
"There is no question of disrespect here. Mulayam is our guardian. How can talks get over in a day? They are still going on," Lalu told the media here.
He also added that the support of the people of Bihar was with the Janata Parivar and that is why the Swabhimaan rally was such a success compared to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bhagalpur one.
"At the Swabhimaan rally you saw the strength and the support that we got. It was because of this overwhelming support from the people of Bihar for us that the Bhagalpur Rally where the Prime Minister was addressing was such a failure," Lalu said.
Reacting to Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) chief Ram Vilas Paswan saying that Lalu will not be able to convince Mulayam to rejoin the Janata Parivar, Lalu said that the former needs to mind his own business and stop spreading lies.
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"Paswan who is squawking like a bird and predicting events like a weather man needs to mind his own affairs. He is nothing but a liar. Yesterday he was making tall claims that V.P Singh wanted to make him the Chief Minister. How can he go around spreading such lies?" Lalu said here.
Paswan had said earlier today that Lalu will not be able to persuade and change Mulayam's mind into rejoining the Janata Parivar.
"I don't think he (Lalu Yadav) will be able to convince him. Mulayam Singh is stubborn, he won't be lured by them," Paswan told media.
Lalu Yadav and Janata Dal (United) chief Sharad Yadav had met Mulayam earlier today to try and convince him to review his decision to quit the Janata Parivar alliance.
"There is no conflict over seat sharing with Mulayam Singh Yadav. We will give you good news soon," said Sharad after meeting with Mulayam.