Former Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala, one of the accused in the 2000 teachers' recruitment scam, will be released from jail today after the Delhi High Court granted him interim bail for six weeks to undergo heart surgery.
The 78-year-old Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) chief was asked to furnish a personal bond of Rs 5 lakh along with two sureties of like amount before the trial court as a pre-condition for his release on bail.
The high court had also asked Chautala to surrender his passport to the trial court.
On January 22, the trial court had convicted and sentenced Chautala and nine others, including his son Ajay Chautala, to 10 years jail term for illegally recruiting 3,206 junior teachers in 2000.
The court has also barred the father and son duo from taking part or contesting elections.
The teachers were recruited in 1999-2000 during Chautala"s tenure. The CBI filed its first chargesheet in 2006.
It was alleged that Rs three to four lakhs were paid as bribe for selection of each of the candidates.