Teenagers' love for technology is the reason behind addition to it later in their lives.
While over 80 percent of people admitted that they struggled to give up habits such using social media for a month, texting would be the hardest to stop followed by social networking, junk food and booze, the Mirror reported.
According to a study of teenagers aged between 12 and 18, on an average, a teenager checks social media 11 times a day, sends 17 text messages and spends 62 pounds a month on technology, gambling, junk food and alcohol.
It was also found that youngsters even lied to get money or stole from a relative. Despite this, 72 percent of them were unaware to the risk of addiction to social media, apps and games.
John Dicey, of Allen Carr -Addiction Clinics, said that habits, the social media and -technology, are getting young people to display the hallmarks of addictions at a young age, and unless they are educated to the dangers of constant -stimulation and consumption, it could become an epidemic of addiction in the future.