With just a few days left for Telangana Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah on Sunday said that state's electoral battle is between the "nationalist BJP and the anti-national opposition."
Addressing a rally in Telangana's Narayanpet, Shah said, "There is going to be a tripartite battle here. On one side there is Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and its chief and state's caretaker Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao who made Telangana kneel before All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) and on other there is Congress who sent (Navjot Singh) Sidhu to hug Pakistan army chief and on the third side there are nationalists led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi."
Accusing the Congress party and TRS of resorting to appeasement politics to woo the minorities, Shah said, "Telangana Congress in its manifesto promised free electricity to Masjids and Churches but not for Temples. Both TRS and Congress are engaged in minority appeasement. We are against the reservation on the basis of religion. However, Telangana Chief Minister has proposed 12 percent reservation for the minorities."
The BJP president added that the Rao's government is afraid of AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi and this is why it does not celebrate the Telangana Liberation Day. Shah further promised that if the BJP comes to power in the state, Telangana Liberation Day would be celebrated in a grand manner.
The Legislative Assembly election in Telangana is scheduled to be held on December 7, while counting of votes will take place on December 11.
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