The Ministry of Environment on Friday gave the nod to the Tamil Nadu state government to conduct 'Jallikattu'- the controversial bull-taming sport that is celebrated around the festival of Pongal every year in Tamil Nadu.
"Thank our honourable Prime Minister for giving permission for conducting Jallikattu this year. There was a situation that there will not be any chances of conducting this more than 200 year old tradition. Due to some reasons this event was facing a crisis, but our Prime Minister has made all the arrangement now," Union Minister Pon Radhakrishnan told ANI.
He thanked the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), especially party chief Amit Shah and Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar for giving the permission to the Tamil community.
Earlier today, the Ministry Of Environment Forest And Climate Change had issued a notification saying that 'bulls may be continue to be exhibited or trained as a performing animal, at events such as Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu and bullock cart races in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala and Gujarat in the manner by the customs of any community or practiced traditionally under the customs or as part of culture.'
However there were certain provisions that such races will organised on a 'proper track' and bulls are put to proper testing by the authorities of the Animal Husbandry.
The Veterinary Department has been notified to ensure that the bulls are in good physical condition to participate in the event which will be strictly monitored by the District Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and State Animal Welfare Board or the District Authorities to ensure that no unnecessary pain or suffering is inflicted on the manner.