Urban Dictionary has defined work hot as a person that may or may not be very hot, but is the most attractive person among people who you work with, so you lust after them.
And while having that work-hot crush can be harmless for most of the times, Workplace blogger Kate Southam warns that it can turn from work hot to work not very quickly, News.com.au reported.
Tips for dealing with workplace hot are:
Firstly, people should be wary that this person doesn't use their niceness to get them to do extra work
Secondly, they should have a workplace friend to keep their behaviour in check
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Thirdly, people should regulate their actions, because if they are not offended by something that doesn't mean to say hat someone else isn't.
Fourthly, they should put themselves in other person's shoes and asks how they would feel if they were on the receiving end of a work crush.
Fifthly, people should be aware that while someone's personality might be attractive at work, they may be very different outside the office.