'Splinter Cell,' a video game franchise created by Tom Clancy, is set to come out in a new avatar of a four-issue comic book series titled as 'Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Echoes' in July.
The comic series will be penned by Nathan Edmondson, and artwork would be done by Marc Laming, the Hollywood Reporter reported.
The comic book series would be bridging the gap between the two recent installments of Ubisoft's game series: 2010's 'Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Convinction' and 'Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist.'
Edmondson said that he will tell a full and original story that stands on its own as an action-spying tale that both are proud of, to bring a narrative element to the thrill of the game in a way that only a comic could do.
The comic series was announced by Dynamite Entertainment.