The 71st Republic Day was on Sunday celebrated across Gujarat with swimmers and individuals unfurling the national flag at sea off the Porbandar coast."Here we are celebrating the 71st Republic Day. From the last 20 years, we have been celebrating in the sea. This is carried out on August 15 and January 26," Harsid Rughani President Shriram Sea Seaming Club told ANI.
He urged the young generation to avoid staying indoor and encouraged them to participate in outdoor sports.
"I urge the present generation to participate in more outdoor activities and sports. Swimming can improve health conditions," he added.
People said regardless of weather conditions, every year they celebrate it in the sea.
"People have gathered here to celebrate on January 26. People believe that it can only be celebrated on lands but every year we celebrate in mid-sea. Regardless of any weather condition, we celebrate it in the sea," Urvashi, resident of Porbandar said.
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