Dean Winchester played by Jensen Ackles and Castiel played by Misha Collin, or "Destiel" in the TV series 'Supernatural' has been recently named as 2014's most shipped couple on Tumblr, it has been revealed.
The Second place has been grabbed by famous John Watson and Sherlock Holmes pair played by Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch respectively from TV series 'Sherlock,' and has been dubbed as "Johnlock," E! Online reported.
While Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from band One Direction, who has been nicknamed as Larry Stylinson, made to the third place on the list.
Tumblr has released its year-end review of user activity and the most interesting list is its top 20 list of Most Reblogged Ships.
Tumblr has an official definition of "ship," which is (noun) Short for "relationship," an imagined romantic pairing of two people, fictional or otherwise.