At least 500,000 porn images are posted on Twitter everyday however, the company has refused to do anything to protect children against it, a report said.
Pornographers are increasingly using the micro-blogging platform to target children, even with internet filters in place, reported The Daily Star.
While Facebook and Google, consented to attending a high-level summit on how to tackle web porn but Twitter failed to turn up.
Labour's Helen Goodman, 57, left, said that online porn is a serious problem but Twitter doesn't appear to be taking it seriously.
Campaigners accused Twitter of "cynical, exploitative behaviour" and accused it of being a coward by failing to act against the issue.
While stressing that porn has a "damaging effect" on many young children, John Carr, of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety, said that the social media network has a huge responsibility and it is failing to live up to it.