Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said on Wednesday that he had spoken with Border Security Force (BSF) Director General D.K. Pathak with regard to the attack on a BSF convoy near Udhampur, and said both the BSF and CRPF have launched a counter-operation against the attackers.
"Spoke to DG BSF Shri DK Pathak regarding the attack on convoy near Udhampur. BSF and CRPF have launched an operation against the attackers," he tweeted.
"1 terrorist has been killed by our forces and the search is on for others. My condolences to the families of jawans who died in this attack," he added.
A BSF convoy was attacked in Chaneni area of Udhampur district along Jammu-Srinagar National Highway this morning.
One out of the four BSF jawans injured in the militant attack on their convoy in Samroli in Jammu and Kashmir's Udhampur district has passed away.
Security forces have cordoned off the area and the encounter was continued when reports last came in. One militant has also been killed.