Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav is in a centre of controversy all over again after a Right to Information (RTI) query revealed the state government has constantly slashed its budget allocation to the state women's commission but has enough funds to purchase two Mercedes cars and two Land Cruisers.
Criticizing the government, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy said, "It is very clear now that the UP administration is not working for the welfare of people. They have slashed allocation for women protection or any other thing in its budget."
He further said that according to Article 256 of the Constitution, the central government has a right to order the state government.
Similarly, Congress leader Rita Bahuguna Joshi said, "This is very serious issue and a matter of great concern. We have been saying that the UP Women's Commission is defunct and inactive."
Bahuguna also said that at a time when crime against women in the state is increasing, the budget allocation to the state women's commission should be increased.
A RTI query has revealed that the state government has fewer funds to provide to the State Women's Commission, but has segregated separate funds to purchase two Mercedes cars and two Land Cruisers.
It was also revealed that the state government has slashed the allocations to the commission by over 85 percent in the last three years.