A Vatican spokesman has declared that atheists cannot lead the path to salvation following Pope Francis' homily saying that atheists who do good deeds are redeemed.
According to the Huffington Post, Reverend Thomas Rosica has released comments stating that people who reject Christ's teachings cannot be saved from damnation.
Rosica said that salvation comes from Christ who is the Head and from the Church which is his body, adding that people who acknowledge the Church as founded by Christ and are aware that Church is an authority for salvation but refuse to visit the Church will not reach salvation.
Rosica also said that he is doubtful whether a non- Christian who has rejected Christianity is tracing the path of salvation or has penetrated the way to eternal damnation.
However, the Pope had said that 'even the atheists' have been redeemed 'with the Blood of Christ', and people doing good to others will certainly encounter God.