The chief internet "evangelist" and Vice President at Google Vint Cerf has warned that the 21st century may become an "information black hole" to future generations because of a lack of proper storage of digital records in a format that can be read and understood in the years to come.
According to the Independent, Cerf said that computer operating systems, Software programs and hardware are changing so fast that pictures, spreadsheets, emails, documents and other digital objects are becoming unreadable after some years of being created.
Cerf told how we might turn out to be wrong in digitizing photographs expecting them to last longer.
He said that in 1,000 or 3,000 years in the future, we will have to struggle in preserving the bits that we will need in order to interpret the digital objects.
If there is no solution found to these problems, the 21st century is destined to become an information black hole and the future generation will only wonder about us, said Cerf.