Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan on Wednesday urged the people of Maharashtra to cast their votes in the assembly polls to ensure that their voice is heard.
After casting his vote for the Maharashtra Assembly polls here, Shahrukh said the people should realize how important it is to vote for one's state and country.
"It's your right and unless you exercise this right you cannot be asking for anything else. Please come and exercise your vote. If you want your voice to be heard, if you want your city, your state, your country to be the way it should be then everybody should come out and vote," he added.
Actor Ranbir Kapoor also urged the people to exercise their voting rights.
"You have to choose the people you to want to give the responsibility to run your city, I request the people to come out and vote," he told the media after casting his vote.
Voting is presently underway across 288 assembly constituencies in Maharashtra, There are around 4,119 candidates in the fray.
The counting of voters will take place on October 19.