Asserting that many people are disenchanted with the Arvind Kejriwal-led party, former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Shazia Ilmi on Thursday said that she would aggressively campaign against the outfit.
"I want to expose the AAP for what it is and so I will do whatever I can to that effect," Ilmi told the media here.
"There are many AAP members and AAP volunteers, the people who are disenchanted with the party, people who feel have been short-changed by AAP," she added.
The former journalist, however, kept mum about her plans to join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), promising to talk to the media if she were to take such a step.
"I will let you know my plans of joining BJP or not," she said.
Ilmi had quit the AAP in May last year, stating that there is lack of inner party democracy in the party. She had also accused Kejriwal of ignoring other leaders and being surrounded by 'crony clique'.