The ongoing US shutdown has claimed yet another victim - the White House garden, which has been taken over by squirrels and weeds due to lack of gardener care, it has been revealed.
The creator of Obama Foodorama, Eddie Gehman Kohan, has claimed that the vegetables filling the 1,500 square-foot plot are now rotting away on the vines and in the boxed beds, thanks to the order for 'minimal maintenance' placed on the small crew of National Park Service gardeners, the Politico reported.
The blogger of the website, which is based on the administration's food campaigns, said that the lack of maintenance has had a dramatic impact on the kitchen garden, which is usually painstakingly cared for.
A White House source told the website that under the shutdown gardeners are not allowed to harvest any of the crops, and they are only allowed to water the garden or remove the trash.