Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday assured that he will take into consideration all the suggestions of various states while formulating the budget policies, adding that almost all the states were in favour of the early implementation of the goods and services tax (GST).
"I had a pre-budget consultation with state Finance Ministers. Almost all the states were here; in fact, the Chief Ministers of many states have also volunteered. Everybody has given their written documents. We will consider their opinion while formulating budget policies," said Jaitley, after chairing a pre-budget meeting with his state counterparts
He further stated that almost all the states that came were in favour of the early implementation of the GST and are anxious that the Central Sales Tax (CST) compensation should be paid to them expeditiously.
Jaitley further said that the states were also in support of the Centre's flagship schemes like Jan Dhan Yojana, Swacch Bharat, adding that they want more funds to be spent on infrastructure.
"All states want that more funds should be spent on infrastructure, so as to bring a boost in the economy. The states also gave their suggestions over interest rates," he stated.
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"Due to the need to bring in liquidity in the market, a few states also suggested to raise the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) limit for the coming days," he added.
The minister also told the media that states have mostly given suggestions over state specific issues.
"Telangana and Andhra Pradesh suggested that as new states have been formed, they should get more help. Goa made a suggestion for tourism, Arunachal wants Green Field airport to be made. Most of the states wanted the decentralization of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) so that they can be attuned more to the state requirements," he stated.
Earlier this week, Jaitley had said that in order to remove any apprehension among the states about the fall in their revenue collections, provisions have been made in the Constitution Amendment Bill on GST introduced by him in the Lok Sabha to ensure that none of them lose any revenue after the implementation of the GST.