Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad on Friday said the Congress Party will support the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill and the Appropriation Bill in the Parliament however denied any talks on the Goods and Services Tax bill in the all party meeting held today.
"Some Bills like Bill on SC, ST, Appropriation Bill which we had promised to support will be passed. There was no talks on GST. Whatever we discussed in the Business Advisory Committee was discussed in the meeting," Azad told the media here.
Rajya Sabha chairman Hamid Ansari had called an all-party meeting on Friday over logjam in the Upper House leaving key bills in the limbo.
Ansari has repeatedly voiced his anguish over frequent disruptions in the House, and urged members of all parties to allow the House to function to transact normal business.
The Winter Session of the Parliament have seen frequent disruption over several issues, even as legislations on GST Bill, Real Estate bill, SC/ST bill, among other important Bills are pending.
The Rajya Sabha has been the worst hit in terms of deliberations, losing several days to disruptions over union minister V K Singh's Dalit comment, the National Herald case, corruption cases like the Madhya Pradesh Vyapam scam and the alleged atrocities against Dalits in Punjab.