Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray, in a recent statement pronounced Bollywood directors and producers, who offer work to Pakistani artists as major offenders and said he would not let 'Ae dil hai mushkil' and 'Raees' release in the country.
"We have asked the theatres to not release their movie. We must teach them a lesson. Producers are more at fault than those artists: on Ae dil hai mushkil and Raees," said Thackeray.
Thackeray further slammed, Fawad Khan for his comment stating his first priority is Pakistan and standing in support of it, irrespective of Pak being a source of terrorism.
"Fawad Khan tells that he loves his country and will not condemn the attack,. He won't condemn the attack and he wants to work here? And director and producers here will provide them work," Thackeray said in response to his comment.
Earlier, MNS imposed a ban on all Pakistani artists including Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan, Atif Aslam, Ali zafar and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and gave out an ultimatum asking them to leave the country within 48-hours.