Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said that Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh are an integral part of the country, adding that he may have acceptance for many things but would not tolerate pro-Pakistan slogans on Indian soil.
"The Prime Minister went to China and told their Prime Minister that Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir are an integral part of India, and they do not have any claim over these areas. Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir were a part of India, are a part of India and will remain a part of India - no force in the world can take them away from us," Rajnath Singh said at a rally here.
"As I said in Jammu and Kashmir, I can tolerate anything but the one thing I cannot tolerate is cries of 'Pakistan zindabad' on Indian soil. The place for such people should not be their houses, but government jails," he added.
The Home Minister's statement comes after separatist elements in Jammu and Kashmir repeatedly unfurled the Pakistani flag at various public meetings over the past few weeks.