Collective Bias'Chief Marketing Officer, Ted Rubin,who of all the CMOs in the world has the maximum number of followers on Twitter has listed a number of things which businesses get wrong on social media platform.
According to, Rubin said that companies today lay more emphasis on the number of followers or likes or comments but not on what the comments are about.
Among the list of things that businesses get wrong, broadcasting instead of engaging tops the list. Companies have shifted their focus from reading and understanding what customers want and engage in more of tweeting.
It also includes blocking employees from accessing social media sites which Rubin calls as a ludicrous attempt adding that allowing PR agencies to run the accounts is restricting the message from potential opportunities. To be experimental is what he suggested.
Rubin said that CEOs making social media decisions without any knowledge of what it is about as only a small fraction of the top level employees are on social media.
According to the report, what comes towards the end of the list yet is most significant as Rubin pointed out is allowing interns set the company's social media strategy adding that just because they understand social media doesn't mean they understand marketing.
Further Rubin pointed that companies focus on numbers and not quality. He said that having too many fans and followers is good only when a company has a strategy to do something with them.