Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said that the Worli Bandra Ceiling Project is the best example to prove how inefficient, corrupt and worthless the Congress is.
"The budget for the Worli Bandra Ceiling Project was 420 crores, which reached an amount of 1800 crore during Congress rule in Maharashtra and is still incomplete," said. Gadkari.
"This proves how corrupt, worthless and inefficient the Congress is," he said.
Furthermore, he promised that the BJP would definitely complete the project once they get elected in Maharashtra.
"People often ask the difference between the two parties and I give them the example of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh and a comparison of these states with the rest of the country," he said.
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"But when I used to praise Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, I used to feel bad about the condition and the slow development in Maharashtra," he added.
"Even the farmers of Gujarat are much more prosperous and satisfied because of the progressive perspective of Narendra Modi. The best example is of the farmers who grow cotton. They export cotton to china and make money which leads to their growth. No farmer commits suicide," said Gadkari.
"But unfortunately, in the past few years over ten thousand cotton growers have committed suicide," he added.
"This is how the Congress government functions. The people have therefore developed hatred against the Congress party who are trying hard to get votes by spreading fear in minority groups and communalizing electorates," he said.
He said looking at the level of corruption that took place during the 2G scam or Commonwealth Games it is evident that Congress suffers malignant corruption.
"If there is any party in the entire world that suffers malignant corruption it is Congress. It has become evident, especially after looking at the level of corruption that took place during the 2G scam or Commonwealth Games," said Gadkari.