Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Ashutosh on Saturday said Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan have been expelled from the national executive as they wanted the party to break, adding that the duo should stop spreading lies.
"YY/PB should not create drama or farce outside NC. They have been expelled because they wanted party to loose and wanted party to break...If YY/PB/ANAND/Ajit have faith in democracy/have democratic bone, they should respect the verdict of the supreme decision making body of AAP," Ashutosh tweeted.
"Media should not buy a cooked up story of man handling and presence of bouncers. YY/PB Is spreading lies..YY/PB Should respect the Verdict of the highest decision making body of the party if they believe in internal democracy," he added.
Ashutosh further said that there was no 'scuffle' or 'manhandling' during the AAP's national council meeting.
"YY is spreading lies that NC members were beaten up in meeting.There was no scuffle or manhandling.It's a cooked up story to gain sympathy," he tweeted.
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Earlier in the day, the AAP national council removed dissident leaders Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav from the national executive.
The council, which met today to decide on founder members Yadav and Bhushan, also removed Ajith Jha and Professor Anand Kumar from the national executive.
Earlier on Friday, Bhushan and Yadav had hit out at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, accusing him of stifling internal democracy and adopting unfair means to capture power.
They alleged that any issue raised by them was being projected as questioning Kejriwal's leadership and attempts to remove him from the post of AAP's national convener.
The tussle got murkier later yesterday after a secretly-taped phone conversation was leaked in which the AAP chief is heard abusing Bhushan and Yadav and threatening to exit the party with 67 Delhi MLAs.