Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Yashwant Sinha on Sunday criticised Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi over his corruption remark saying he should first file case against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister Chidambaram in coal scam and telecom scam if he is concerned about corruption.
BJP leader asked Gandhi to file case against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister Chidambaram in coal scam and telecom scam, respectively.
"He wants to improve his image. If Rahul Gandhi is so concerned about corruption, he should file cases against Manmohan Singh and Chidambaram in coal scam and 2G (spectrum) scam," Sinha said in Ranchi.
On December 27, Gandhi in a press conference had said: " Except for one party, nobody else is or seems to be showing the way forward. There are so many pending bills in Parliament related to fighting corruption that need to be passed. Let us all get together and agree to create a framework. But no, there is complete silence from the other (opposition) side.