Audi India is gearing up to launch the price cut version of its most affordable vehicle, Q3, scheduled for August 19. Now, the company has started an aggressive promotional campaign for the compact SUV, which will allow you to witness the grand launch of the vehicle. The company has released an advertisement, in which people are asked to guess the price that they think the Q3 S edition will be launched at. If the prediction is proven correct or closest to the launch price, then the winner will get a fully paid trip to the Audi Q3 S edition launch. Moreover, the other five winners will get the Audi Merchandise.
The locally assembled Audi Q3 S will be powered by a 2.0-litre TDI motor, which is likely to offer about 150-160bhp and 320Nm of max torque. Their will be no automatic version, as the engine will be mated to a six-speed manual transmission, which will transmits the power to front-wheels. The Q3 S will sport a single frame grille and has reinforced bumpers. While talking about the comfort, the Audi Q3 S features a cruise control, rear parking sensors, driver information system and voice dialogue system.
The German auto maker also considered the advanced safety features, Q3 S has six airbags, electronic stabilization system, electromechanical parking brake and few others. We expect it to be priced around Rs. 25-27 lakh, and now it's your time to guess the price and win a chance to witness the grand launch of Audi Q3 S.
Read More on : Audi Q3
Source : CarDekho - Audi Q3 - Audi Q3 S promotion starts; More details emerge