Audi, along with Global Bioenergies, has developed ‘e-benzin’ through synthetic methods in a lab without the use of petroleum or any of its by-products. As this e-benzin is made out of 100 percent iso-octane, it has a high octane rating of RON 100. As this is a high-grade fuel for vehicles, engines can be made with high compression a ratio which in turn enhances fuel efficiency. Audi e-benzin has no sulphur or benzene it combusts absolutely cleanly. For now, Audi will be testing this new fuel in the lab feeding it to test engines. Yet again Audi stands in the forefront in developing sustainable clean energy for automobiles.
Reiner Mangold, Head of Sustainable Product Development, AUDI AG, said “Global Bioenergies has demonstrated the viability of the Audi “e-benzin” production process. That is a big step in our Audi e-fuels strategy.” Audi is already producing larger quantities of “e-gas” (synthetic methane) on an industrial scale for its customers. Other research projects with various partners are dedicated to Audi “e-ethanol”, Audi “e-diesel” and Audi “e-benzin”.
The pilot plant for the production of this isobutene, base material for Audi ‘e-benzin’, is in the French town of Pomacle, near Reims. Also this Isobutene is processed out of renewable raw materials instead of usual petroleum. Another project partner is the Fraunhofer Center for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes (CPB) in Leuna, Saxony-Anhalt. Researchers there use hydrogen to transform the gaseous isobutene into liquid iso-octane. Global Bioenergies is building a demonstration plant at the Fraunhofer Center that will begin producing larger quantities in 2016.