Earlier in September, Ford India had introduced ‘Happy Schools’ program under the Brand’s Global Week of Caring. The automaker says on the occasion of Happy Children’s Day, this day will be a special one for nearly 2000 students studying in 21 government primary schools in Chennai. The program intends to provide all around development of students instead of limiting them to academics.
See the video released by Ford India under Happy Schools Program
Ford India has been running ‘Happy Schools’ program in 21 government primary schools in Chennai. This program is intended to implement holistic education in primary schools of the country by fulfilling voids in academic support, nutrition and health along with infrastructure of the institutions. In Happy Schools, the Blue Oval company will get in touch with reputed NGOs involved in the field of education to work in addressing the pinpointed gaps specific to particular school. The program will be further implemented in schools falling in close proximity to company’s manufacturing facility in Chennai, upcoming unit in Sanand Gujarat and across Gurgoan (Haryana).
Source : CarDekho