In a move to expand its horizons, Honda Cars India Limited has made investments worth Rs 380 crores in its Tapukara facility. The company is using its production facility in Tapukara Alwar, Rajasthan to manufacture its upcoming premium hatch Jazz. On its expansion drive, the automaker is also looking to penetrate deep into tier 2 and tier 3 cities by opening new dealerships. At the moment, Honda has 232 dealers across the country and plans to take the count to 300 by the end of this year.
The company is also prepping up for the launch of Honda Jazz in July and with new investment coming in, the present capacity of the plant which is 120,000 units per annum, will grow to 180,000 units by mid-2016.
On the upcoming Honda Jazz, Mr. Raman Sharma, Senior Vice-President & Director, Honda Cars India Limited said, “We are thankful to our customers for the great response we have achieved for our cars. We are very confident that the 3rd generation Honda Jazz would be well accepted in the Indian market. The product would help Honda Cars reach out to a more diverse set of customers.”
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Our exclusive very first interior spy shots of the upcoming Honda Jazz suggests that the petrol model will get steering mounted paddle shifters which is a segment first feature. Moreover, the 2015 Jazz will offer both petrol (1.2-liter i-VTEC) and diesel (1.5-liter i-DTEC) engines along with two transmission option - manual and CVT automatic with paddle shifters (petrol-only).
In the fiscal 2014-15, Honda Cars registered sales of 189,602 units, clocking a growth of 41%.
Source : Honda Prepping Up for Jazz Launch, Focusing More on Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities