Mahindra & Mahindra announced that it would carry out preventive replacement of one part in its Scorpio Ex variant. This is in keeping with its customer centric approach as well as in compliance with the recently announced voluntary code on vehicle recall.
Mahindra will carry out preventive replacement of a pressure regulating valve in 900 units of only Scorpio’s Ex variant which were manufactured betweenOctober/November 2013. This replacement would be carried out with immediate effect and would be done free of cost for Scorpio Ex customers who would be individually contacted by the company/authorized dealers.
The recall is limited only to the Scorpio Ex variant manufactured during the said period and does not affect other Scorpio variants. We can expect another refresh of the Mahindra Scorpio to come sometime next year.
Source : CarDekho - Mahindra offers proactive replacement of a single part in Scorpios Ex variant only