In the current scheme of things, Maruti Suzuki India is offering a range of discounts on its entire product portfolio. Pitched with a tag line "When Style Matches Performance, it's a different class", the Indian automaker is offering a massive discount of up to Rs 50,500 on its most popular Swift hatchback (diesel variant to mention in specific). While its compact sedan Swift Dzire (diesel) is being offered with benefits of up to Rs 43,000.
Dig deeper and models such as the Estilo get discounts of up to Rs 61,500 followed by A-Star with Rs 66,500, Stingray Rs 63,000, Ritz Rs 36,500, Ertiga Rs 41,500, SX4 Rs 91,500 whereas the EECO and Omni come at Rs 11,500. Apart from these, the company is also providing an 'Excise Benefit' and there is also a special scheme on the 2013 stock. This offers is available for consumers throughout North India and if you are on the lookout for a Maruti, then this is the perfect time to get one.
Source : CarDekho - Maruti offers massive discounts