In a bid to increase Xylo's sales, Mahindra has introduced updated Xylo at a price of Rs. 7.52 lakh (BSIII) and Rs. 7.66 (BSIV) (All Ex Showroom New Delhi). The refreshed MUV comes with both mechanical and cosmetic changes. The new Xylo comes in five trims, namely, D2, D4, H4, H8 and and the top-of-the-line H9 and is priced in between Rs. 7.52 to 10.3 lakh.
What's different in the new Mahindra Xylo
- Starting with the exteriors, updated Xylo comes with chrome highlights on the front grill and above the rear license plate. The MUV also features vinyl decals of the side profile. Apart from this Xylo comes with all the upgrades that were on the last refresh.
- On the inside, Xylo gets a new black and beige dashboard treatment with new faux wood Grey wood inserts all around the interiors. It also features new 3-dial instrumentation cluster.
- The new Xylo gets premium seat upholstery along with 7, 8 and 9 seating options and the third row now comes with 60:40 split function.
- Mechanically, it comes with upgraded all-around suspension setup for improved ride and handling & reduced body roll.
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Under the hood is the same 2.2liter mHawk turbo diesel engine churning out 118bhp @ 4000rpm and 280Nm @ 2400-2800 of max torque mated to a five-speed manual transmission. The base variants of Xylo gets a 2.5 liter mDI CRDe motor which gathers 93.5bhp @ 3600rpm and 218Nm of max torque mated to a five-speed manual unit but different from the one in the 2.2 mHawk.
Read More on : Mahindra Xylo
Source : CarDekho