After launching the premium hatchback, Tata Indica Vista D90 in India, the Indian auto major Tata Motors has now launched the vehicle in Nepal. The Vista D90 is available with the 90bhp version of the 1.3-litre quadrajet mated to a Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) technology. Designed specially for the adventure loving customers, the Tata Vista D90, has set a new benchmark in the hatchback segment, with several first and best in class features.
Tata Indica Vista D90 has been made available in five colours- Ultra Violet (new), Porcelain White, Spice Red, Cavern Grey and Jet Silver. The Tata Vista D90 ZX PLUS (top-end) is priced at NPR 26,95,000.
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Gurinder Singh, Country Manager, Nepal and Bhutan, Passenger Vehicles Business Unit, Tata Motors, said, " The Vista D90 is all together a new car which is power-packed, has first-in-class technologies and sportier looks for thrill-seeking car buyers. We already have enquires for the Vista D90 and we hope that customer like our latest offering in the market.”
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Tata Indica Vista D90 Features
Powered by a specially tuned 1.3L Quadrajet diesel engine with Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) technology
Touchscreen multimedia system, with in-built voice guided GPS navigation
Blue5 Technology - now pair upto 5 mobile phones through Bluetooth connectivity
Fully automatic climate control HVAC
Advanced driver information system
Next generation instrument cluster
Steering mounted controls
Electric ORVM
Rear charging point
Intelligent rear wiper