Contradictory to previous rumors, Tata Zica will probably be launched sometime in mid-February instead of January 20th. According to a report by Autocar the initially speculated launch date has been pushed to next month. The report also adds that the car’s bookings might commence during the 2016 Indian Auto Expo, which will be held from 5th to 9th of February 2016. The upcoming hatchback will be showcased at the Auto Expo, alongside other Tata offering which might include the Hexa crossover.
The car finds its foundation in the Indica platform but other than the relatively dated floorplan, Zica will be brand new from bottom up. Tata will introduce its in-house developed Revotorq diesel units with Zica. The mill is a 1.05-liter, 3-cylinder unit which is capable of producing 69bhp of power and a peak torque of 140Nm. A 1.2-liter petrol powerplant will also be offered in the upcoming hatchback, which will be capable of producing 84bhp of power and 114Nm of peak torque. These powerplants will help Zica blow its relatively underpowered competition out of water, which include Maruti Celerio and Chevrolet Beat.
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The poweplant will come mated to a 5-speed manual transmission and Tata has also disclosed that it will introduce an AMT variant in later stages of the car’s life cycle.
Zica will introduce many segment-first in the Indian car market and will be available with Navigation application and the Juke-car app, which helps occupants wirelessly share, access and change songs from a common playlist that is shared via Hotspot. Supporting the Harman developed infotainment system will be an eight-speaker sound system.
The car will come with advanced safety features which will include dual front airbags,corner stability control and ABS and all of this will come at a price tag of around Rs. 3.75 lacs (Ex-showroom).
Watch First Drive of Tata Zica
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- Zest to Zica - Will the Change in Philosophy Work?
- Tata Zica Price: Where Should it Start?
Source : CarDekho