With the launch being just 6 days away, Mahindra has finally decided to give a glimpse of the new TUV300 to its customers. Although the teaser video does not show too much of the vehicle, it will still catch the attention of the people who are genuinely interested to buy the compact, sub-4 meter SUV. Mahindra seems to be obsessed with portraying how tough their new car is. Right from the ‘Battle Tank’ inspired design philosophy to calling it the ‘Tough and stylish’ SUV. They even called the promotional contest ’ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH TO WIN THE TUV300’. Now again, in the teaser video, Mahindra are hinting towards the toughness of the vehicle by making it fly through a large fort door and shattering the door into pieces. The location of the advertisement seems similar to the one where the TUV300 was spotted undisguised a week ago.
Also Read: Mahindra TUV300: What We Know So Far!
The pre-launch bookings for the new Mahindra started from september 1, 2015. The compact SUV is powered by the mHawk80 engine which is expected to be a smaller version of the Quanto’s 1.5-liter 3-cylinder motor. Also, as it is a sub-4m SUV, the diesel engine capacity is expected to be less than 1.5-liter. Underneath the chassis of the TUV300 are the segment-first 17-inch radials, 5-twin-spoke alloys which are wrapped in 235/65 cross-section tyres. In the inside, the TUV300 gets a brand new cabin with beige and black color tone and chrome highlights with silver accents. Also, the car features multi-functional steering wheel, dual-pod instrumentation cluster with chrome highlighter rings.